Global Staffing

Employment solutions focused on client and employee success.


1. We are your employer of record for international hiring.

2.) We permanently take care of turnover.

3.) We outcompete with outstanding quality and service while offering significant rate savings.


We are currently working in Peru and Serbia. AIR ensures that all the governmental rules are followed in the local communities. It is an extraordinarily time-consuming process to start a company in a foreign country – finding the local talent and keeping them in a fun but challenging work environment that they can call their career. We have this dialed-in and are ready to go with a pool of candidates.

We find that there are a few reasons why clients enjoy working in these locations. Time zones, technical skill level, English fluency, foreign language skills, and pay.

Times zones can be very advantageous. When you are on the West Coast of the United States and send an email at 5pm, it can really be a joy to wake up at 6am and see that your request has been taken care of. While you sleep, you have a team pushing for you. If you need someone in your time zone for immediate response, Peru is on East Coast time.

Technical skills are very comparable to graduates of universities in the United States. All our hires have finished full university programs and have passed a series of interviews that prepare them for our on-boarding training program. The training program first and foremost concentrates on improving soft skills.

AIR focuses on hiring employees that have full working proficiency in English – speaking, reading, and writing. There is not a barrier in understanding. You are even able to pick a team member in one of these locations to converse in their native language if you prefer to do so.

Serbia and Peru are both significantly more competitive in wage base compared to the United States. Your company will be saving not only on the wages, but also taxes, benefits, and turnover.

When you work with AIR Consulting, we take over the turnover issue for you. No matter how hard we continually try to improve our retention, employees can change their career paths or move to the larger corporate environments. We love to be part of their journey. It is our management duty to integrate the next team member and bring them up to speed without skipping a beat in your day-to-day operations. There is no increase in cost for this service. We do this by documenting the job throughout the consulting agreement and are prepared to jump in when needed.

Our management team is specifically ready to serve in the accounting discipline, but if you have the wish to run our employees on your own in different careers, we are more than willing to allow for this when we know there is a match in company values.

Drop us a line if you are interested in discussing further.